Monday, September 13, 2021

A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge - So Bad I Puked!?!

Stepping out of the shadows of its groundbreaking predecessor, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, released in 1985, faced the daunting task of meeting the high expectations set by the original.

While it initially met with critical disapproval, the film has since undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, evolving from a panned sequel to a beloved cult classic.

A Departure from the Dream World

One of the primary criticisms leveled at Freddy's Revenge was the decision to venture Freddy Krueger beyond the confines of the dream world. This shift in setting raised eyebrows among fans accustomed to Freddy's reign of terror within the surreal landscapes of the subconscious.

However, this departure from the established formula has come to be viewed as a daring creative choice that expanded the film's universe and allowed for new avenues of exploration.

The Rise of the Male Scream Queen

Another bold move made by Freddy's Revenge was the introduction of Jesse Walsh, a male protagonist who exhibited characteristics typically associated with female scream queens.

This unconventional casting broke the mold of traditional horror tropes, injecting a fresh perspective into the genre.

While initially met with surprise, the character of Jesse has since gained a loyal following, appreciated for his vulnerability and depth in the face of Freddy's relentless pursuit.

The film's exploration of Jesse Walsh's character and his relationships led to interpretations of homosexual subtext, which resonated with some viewers. The film's willingness to delve into these themes has contributed to its enduring appeal and cult status.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge was released in theaters in late 1985, I didn't see it until its release on video in 1986. 

It was the night of the last day of 4th grade. I was invited for a sleepover at my best school mates house. His mom had just gotten this 2-floor condo.

She took us to the video store and let us pick out two movies.
We chose Poltergeist II: The Other Side and A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge. Boy, we were excited!

Well, we were excited about the movies, but maybe a bit more excited to be hanging out together not in school. The lights were off in the room and we started with Freddy's Revenge.

Buuut between our pillow fort, playing tag in the dark, and his mom coming in to tell us to quiet down, we didn't see much of the movie. By the time we put Poltergeist II in we were 5 minutes away from passing out. Almost immediately after pressing play on the VHS player, pass out we did.

The next morning we sat at the kitchen table to have breakfast. His mom prepared scrambled eggs and sausage. Mmm, delicious. As I'm eating breakfast I start remembering that though they are quite tasty, eggs turn my stomach. She asked how breakfast was and I responded "good."

After the plates were cleared my friend and I played tag in their living room. It was a new place so there was no furniture, just clean white walls, and a lush cream-colored carpet. A great space to run around in!

All of a sudden the eggs kicked in and my stomach started rolling. My movement slowed. Feeling dizzy, I put my hand on the wall and proceeded to vomit all over that white wall and cream carpet. Damn playtime was over.

A Cult Classic Emerges

Despite its initial reception, Freddy's Revenge has gradually amassed a cult following, gaining recognition for its daring creative decisions and unique place within the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise.

The film's unconventional approach to its narrative and character development has resonated with audiences, transforming it from a misunderstood sequel into a cherished piece of horror cinema. Personally, I'd rather watch Freddy's Revenge than eat a plate of eggs any day!


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